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編 號 | C.N.A.矯正線
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These nickel-free beta titanium alloy
archwires were developed with the
assistance of Dr. Ravindra Nanda. An
excellent alternative over TMA archwires, the
CNA Beta III Nickel-Free Archwire displays
superb formability for placement of loops
and bends reducing important chairside time.
In addition, the flexibility makes it the perfect
archwire for use during the mid-to-late
stages of treatment.
Due to its ease of bending, the CNA Beta III
Nickel-Free Archwire, is ideal for use when
the following is required:
• Custom tipping
• Aligning
• Space closure
• Rotation
• Tooth movement
In addition, doctors are moving to the
CNA Beta III Nickel-Free Archwire over
the TMA because:
• CNA Archwire does not break as
easily as TMA
• The CNA Archwire has a smooth, highpolish
finish which provides less friction
• It is easier to form loops and bends with
the CNA Archwire
• Once intended shape is formed, the
archwire maintains its integrity
Choose the CNA Beta III Nickel-Free Archwire
and you’ll be able to move patients into a
rectangular archwire more quickly to correct
torque. Not to mention, you’ll be able to
work on root correction, and even over
correction is possible by inserting bends.